📄️ Authenticate against the API
The login endpoint returns a JSON web token that should be used in the Authorization header of all subsequent requests.
📄️ Create a payment terminal
This endpoint will create a payment terminal under your partner profile. It will be added to your pool of unassigned terminals.
📄️ Create a merchant
This endpoint creates a new merchant under your partner profile. The body of the request will need data aligned with your partner configuration, i.e. ISV id used, acquirer id used, etc.
📄️ Assign a payment terminal to a merchant
Takes an already created terminal (part of the pool of unassigned terminals) and assigns it to an already existing merchant. A terminal can only be assigned to one merchant at a time. If it is already assigned to another merchant you will receive an error. It is necessary to publish the terminal configuration to the Handpoint gateway after this operation.
📄️ Publish a payment terminal configuration to the Handpoint Gateway
Using data from your partner profile as well as the acquirer and merchant profile, this endpoint will push the automatically generated terminal configuration to the Handpoint Gateway. For the terminal to properly start up and initialise, it is required for the terminal configuration to be published to the Handpoint Gateway. For example, this endpoint needs to be called after assigning a terminal to a merchant.
📄️ Retrieve a merchant profile
Gets the profile of an existing merchant, including authentication information like shared secret. Depending on the details of the merchant (acquirer, features enabled etc.), the response back will vary in terms of fields.
📄️ Retrieve a list of merchant profiles
This endpoint will list the merchants of the partner
📄️ Update an already created merchant
This endpoint updates an already created merchant under your partner profile. The body of the request will need data aligned with your partne configuration, i.e. ISV id used, acquirer id used, etc. Once updated, if the merchant has assigned terminal, the changes should be published to the Handpoint Gateway.
📄️ Retrieve a list of terminals assigned to a merchant
This endpoint will list the assigned terminals of a merchant. It can apply a search filter for the results.
📄️ Unassign a payment terminal from a merchant
This endpoint will unassign a terminal from its merchant. It is necessary to publish the configuration after this operation to keep the terminal management system in sync with the Handpoint Gateway. This operation will leave the terminal unassigned from any merchant and will become part of the pool of terminals ready to be assigned.
📄️ Delete a payment terminal
This endpoint will delete a terminal from the terminal management system. The terminal needs to be unassigned from any merchant for this operation to be successful.
📄️ Delete a merchant
This endpoint will delete the merchant profile from the terminal management system. If the merchant has terminals assigned when trying to delete it, you will receive an error. Terminals assigned to the merchant first need to be unassigned before the merchant can be deleted.
📄️ Create a cloud API key for a merchant
Creates a new cloud API key for a merchant. The API response will contain the API key unmasked.
📄️ Retrieve the cloud API keys of a merchant
Gets the list of cloud API keys previously created for the merchant.
📄️ Delete a cloud API key of a merchant
Deletes a cloud API key from a merchant.
📄️ Retrieve a list of assigned terminals
This endpoint will list the terminals of the partner that are assigned to merchants. It can apply a search filter for the results.
📄️ Retrieve a list of unassigned terminals
This endpoint will list the terminals of the partner that are no assigned to a merchant. It can apply a search filter for the results.
📄️ Annexes
The TMS API gives Handpoint partners the description of the operations needed to efficiently manage their merchants and terminals.